Free Quote-Outsourced Internal Auditing-ISO PROS #32

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When you compare the costs and expenses of internal auditing with Outsourced Internal Auditing, you will notice the decrease when looking for the last one. After all, this is one of the main reasons why companies and people overall choose it: because it is cheaper. The problem with having an internal audit program is that you have to spend a lot of money and time training people to conduct and manage it.

This takes much more resources than everyone imagines when starting to dive deeper into this area and need it. Also, you have extra expenses that come from planning the audit and how much time it will take to finish it. If you add this to the costs of implementing the corrective actions you might need to solve the non-conformities found during the audit, you won’t have enough resources to continue operating.

And if you have them, you will literally make sacrifices to conduct these in-house audits. At ISO Pros, we encourage you to go for Outsourced Internal Auditing since our company is reliable and has been in this industry for over a decade. We won’t share any of your information since confidentiality is our second name.

Besides, there is no point in doing such a thing when you think about the entire process and how important is for us to maintain a clean record. We want to help you to get your internal audit program back on track and allow your company to have complete documentation about the issues and standards implemented. Every management system is compromised during audits, so you can’t risk it just because you don’t want to go for an option.

Internal audits are not that reliable even if you invest in the training and preparation of your experts since they result in not being independent enough or capable of conducting the audit without problems. As for getting certified and implement the standards to be the one providing outsourcing audits, we can provide you with all the final costs. Just make sure to fill our quote form below.

We will send you the quotation to your email within the first 24 hours and you will find every element involved in the process and certification in the document. This applies to both options: the certification or accessing our Outsourced Internal Auditing service. All you have to do in the form is to provide your contact information, be specific about your ISO needs or auditing needs if applies, and leave extra comments with the name of your company.

If we need more details, we won’t hesitate to contact you back and request them. We can either call you or send an email asking you. Keep in mind that we will never ask for confidential or personal information, so don’t expect our professionals and experts to try to access this type of detail.

Our quote is completely free, which means you can request it without worrying about the cost and keep in mind that the final price or cost for the service can be higher or lower.


Usually, it is lower than the estimate and quote we send you.
